Hydration & Sleep

 The warm summer nights have arrived and in the past I often found myself waking up in the mornings with a feeling of thirst and a dry mouth, probably caused by breathing too much through my mouth, lack of hydration during the previous day and no windows open in our bedroom.

I started digging into the connection between sleep and hydration, both crucial to our health and found out that drinking enough water during my day was another little part of the puzzle in improving my sleep quality.

I live in an apartment in the middle of Copenhagen with all bedroom windows facing a busy street and for me, being so sensitive to noise and light pollution, it can be a challenge to get the deep sleep that I need. 

I can’t open the windows at night due to the noise from traffic and happy people singing in the street, especially at weekends, which is another good reason for me to escape to our cottage in the countryside and sleep with open windows almost all year round.

For now, this is my life in the city, but once our girls have left the nest, I am sure we will enjoy many more nights in the village of Svanninge by the foot of the rolling hills, at least this is what we dream about….

I  have become obsessed with improving my sleep rituals and my sleep pattern is a constant work in progress and understanding the connection between my sleep and hydration was another small step in the right direction for me on my journey to better sleep


How Hydration Affects Our Sleep

  • Drinking enough water during the day can help us sleep better at night. If we are dehydrated, we might have a dry mouth or throat, which can wake us up, just like it happens for me. Dehydration can also cause headaches and leg cramps that disturb your sleep.

  • It's important to stay hydrated, but drinking a lot of water right before bed can make you need to visit the bathroom often during the night. To avoid this, we must drink plenty of water throughout the day and reduce our intake an hour before bedtime.


How Sleep Affects Our Hydration
  • Sleep helps our body control fluids. When we sleep well, our body releases a hormone called ADH that helps reduce the need to visit the bathroom at night, keeping us hydrated. 

  • Good sleep helps our body repair and recover, which requires water. If we don’t sleep well, our body might struggle to stay hydrated and replenish fluids lost during the day.


 My Tips for Optimal Hydration and Sleep

  • Start your day with a large glass of water with fresh lemon and continue to drink water steadily throughout the day to avoid needing large amounts before bed.

  • Watch for dehydration signs like dry mouth, fatigue, and dark urine. Adjust your intake, especially in hot weather like now or after exercise.

  • Include foods or drinks with potassium, sodium, and magnesium to maintain fluid balance and prevent night-time dehydration.

  • Keep a regular sleep schedule and bedtime routine. Wind down before bed, limit screen time, and ensure your bedroom is inviting and cosy.

  • Limit caffeine and alcohol, especially before bed, as they can increase fluid loss and disrupt sleep